3 Months vip Loto Dekabes, Kit to attract love or strengthen love, Tarot draw prediction 2025
This rose bath ritual set includes five powerful love drawing products. Rose is known for its ability to attract love, strengthen love, and maintain strong relationships. Use each item separately or all together for a powerful love ritual.
The Rose Bath Ritual Set Includes
Love Drawing 7 Day Candle
Rose Bath & Floor Cleaner
Pink Incense Sticks 10 1/2"
Rose perfume
Rose quartz necklace
Instructions for the rose ritual
Carefully place the pink incense and the love drawing candle near your bathtub. Light both. (never leave unattended)
Take a bath and add some Rose Bath & Floor wash to the water. Mix it well with your dominant hand.
Soak yourself in the bath while visualizing exactly what you want your love life to look like. Whether it’s attracting a new love or creating a deeper connection with your current partner, imagine yourself surrounded by the kind of love you desire.
When you are finished, allow yourself to air dry or gently pat your body dry.